EffVer: Version your code by the effort required to upgrade - Jacob Tomlinson [en] (jacobtomlinson.dev)
Environmental Declaration - Hey Low, we are a digital studio driven by beauty and sustainability. [en] (www.heylow.world)
GitHub - neatnik/calendar: A simple printable calendar with the full year on a single page [en] (github.com)
Aux apatrides du web merdique - Par Thibault Prévost | Arrêt sur images [fr] (www.arretsurimages.net)
Chris Coyier: What happened with the Web Monetization API? - Nicolas Hoizey [en] (nicolas-hoizey.com)
GitHub - branc116/brplot: +256,000,000 points per plot, +60 Fps on shity laptop. Only limit is the size of your RAM. [en] (github.com)